Freeze Dryer

We bought a freeze dryer! It has been so much fun. We had been thinking about it for quite a while. We kept seeing commercials from Harvest Right about their home freeze dryer. We talked about it for a long time. As you know we get a lot of produce and I like bottling things. But I feel like so many of the methods for preserving foods reduces the nutritional value. Freeze Drying is different. It preserves food and makes it shelf stable for many years without changing the nutritional value much at all.

So we both really wanted to get a freeze dryer it was just a question of whether it was worth the cost. Well we went down to the Harvest Right store and talked to them about it. If you have ever been in there you know, they pretty much let the machines sell themselves. They answer your questions, and they give you a bunch of samples, but they don’t really push you on it if you aren’t sure you want one.

Well, we thought and thought and eventually decided that it would be worth it with all the produce we get. So we got one.

Our own freeze dryer
This is our freeze dryer. It is about the size of a mini-fridge.

This was in the spring. Since then I’ve been debating whether or not to become an affiliate. Which is one of the reasons that I didn’t really blog about it. I didn’t want to advertise for them if I wasn’t going to get something out of it. But since we have been using it we are both so excited about it that we are basically walking advertisements anyway. So I decided to just take the plunge. So here you go, if you click on the image below and buy a freeze dryer I will get a percentage of the cost.


Now that that decision has been made I will probably be posting a lot more about our freeze drying adventures. Not only how we prepare the food to freeze dry but also how we are using it afterwards.

You should see our food storage now, it’s pretty awesome! We’ve been able to use so much more of our produce. Plus this way it is shelf stable for several years, in some cases up to 20 or 25. It retains almost all nutritional value. We don’t have to add sugars or vinegar and it doesn’t have to be cooked to be preserved. Not only that, but if we have an earthquake that breaks all our jars, our Mylar bags of food will probably still survive.

Apples, beets, and carrots from the garden. With a bit of cilantro from the store that would have gone bad in the fridge otherwise. Isn’t that cool?

I don’t really know if it is worth having your own freeze dryer if you don’t grow your own stuff but. It sure is a game changer for us.

If you are thinking about buying a freeze dryer please click on that banner above and I will get some credit for all my enthusiasm. And if you want to know about anything that we have tried let me know. Otherwise, you will hear about it as I get around to writing about it.

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