• Dehydrating,  Preserving

    Apricot Fruit Leather

    So, I guess I am a little particular about my fruit leather. Partly because my kids are. I mean, what is the point of making fruit leather if my kids won’t eat it? I have posted about making Pear fruit leather. My pear fruit leather almost always turns out the way we like it. Which is chewy and kind of thick. The taste is never really a problem for me. If it tastes good before you dry it it will taste good after. The problem comes in the texture. I have had fruit leather that turns out more like paper in texture and it just isn’t as enjoyable to eat.…

  • apple chips in glass jar
    Dehydrating,  Preserving

    Apple Chips

    My kids love apple chips! In fact, I have yet to meet a kid that didn’t like my apple chips. It is a great way to use apples. A bucket full of apples will fill up my dehydrator.  How to make apple chips the short version : clean the apples peel and slice apples  rinse  make them taste delicious: (these are all optional, but might make the difference between stored and devoured, just say’n) Lemon juice (so they don’t turn as brown) Sugar Cinnamon Nutmeg Cloves lay them out on dehydrator tray or baking sheet dry the heck out of them, in other words, wait try not to eat them all at…

  • Yellow Pears
    Dehydrating,  Preserving

    Pear Fruit Leather

    If you have three pear trees you end up with a lot of pears. I needed a way to use up a lot of pears at once. Our family’s favorite way to eat pears, besides fresh, is fruit leather. I pack it in lunches and share it with friends. It is so great we eat it like it’s candy.  Except I feel much better about giving my kids homemade fruit leather instead of candy. It is a pretty simple process, although it does take some time. But if stored correctly it will last over a year. The dehydration process preserves it.  I usually wash mine just to get the dust…