• Preserving,  Using preserved food

    Apricot Muffins

    Since we have a freeze dryer and a seemingly endless supply of apricots. I have been messing around with recipes for using freeze dried fruit in muffins. It has been a long process of trial and error. Either they if I got the flavor right, the texture was off. Of if I got great taste and texture they looked flat and unappealing. But I keep trying different variations and I think I finally figured out a version that I like. These are everything you want muffins to be, light and fluffy with an apricot flavor that was subtle and delicious. And, as a bonus, they look pretty, like muffins you…

  • Preserving,  Using preserved food

    Energy Bites

    I haven’t been gardening as much since we moved to our new house. (Here is the post about that if you are interested in details about our move.) Partly because our yard is smaller, but mostly the drought last year really derailed our garden. But I do have a lot of freeze dried food in our basement. I think it’s a good idea to use it as much as I can. It won’t last forever. And even though I we haven’t restocked it as much this past year, we do have plans to plant more this year. In any case, I am always thinking about new ways incorporate the food…

  • Preserving

    How to Remove Peach Peel

    The end of summer is here, it is finally peach season! Maybe you have your own peach tree and you have been patiently waiting for those beautiful peaches to ripen. Or maybe you stopped at a fruit stand or farmer’s marked and bought some. However you found your peaches it is now time to eat them. I love peaches, but I hate eating the skin. I know some people aren’t bothered by it, but I just can’t enjoy a peach with the skins on. They are just too fuzzy! So how do you remove the peel of a peach? Here are my two main methods (if there are others I…

  • Uncategorized

    Hi again

    Hey, It’s been a while. I am going to be a little vulnerable here and let you know I have had a rough year. It is really nice to start a new chapter in life but I think it is always hard to let go of dreams and expectations that you have held onto. For those of you that know me personally or have been reading my blog, you know that we were living on an acre with 25 fruit trees, two different types of raspberry patches and grapes as well as a huge garden for vegetables. Last year we realized that our dream of buying that property was not…

  • Uncategorized

    New Garden- Part 2

    I have had a hard time getting things posted lately. I started this post back in April when we were doing the work. I debated whether or not to post it. I have to fight against my perfectionism. When I can’t do something perfectly my initial reaction is usually to just not do it. But I am trying to change that mind set. So with that in mind, I am just going to post this. For anyone who might be interested. Our garden is growing really well now and I hope to post all the progress up to this point. Well, it has been kind of crazy and unpredictable weather.…

  • Garden,  Growing Produce

    A New Garden

    We have been settling into our new home and it has been so great so far. It is really exciting to be able to have our own space. We went from a two bedroom apartment with one bathroom to a four bedroom 2.5 bath home. So we have a lot more space to put things, which has been really nice. We have a lot of plans for future improvements, but nothing is really very urgent. Most of the house is great, if not up-to-date, it is at least in good condition. With the way building costs are at the moment we don’t really want to get into home improvement projects…

  • Dehydrating,  Freeze Dryer

    Apple Chips

    I started this post back in September or October, but it has just been a crazy fall and winter so far. But I have a goal to be more consistent at posting the things we are working on, so hopefully you will hear from me more regularly. This is also my first time using the Amazon Associates program. I will get a bit of a commission if you click on the link and purchase the product from Amazon. I have always liked apple chips. Growing up we could buy them from the Church I belong to (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) for food storage. For any who…

  • Thoughts

    Moving on

    I started writing a less personal version of this post and it was so boring I was falling asleep trying to write it. I realized that if I want this post to be worth my time writing it and your time reading it then I am going to have to be a little vulnerable and actually open up. Those of you who know us personally know that we have been hoping to buy my grandma’s home, the one we have been living in for the past, almost eight years. It has been both a blessing and a struggle to be here with my grandma. I love that my kids have…